Friday, August 29, 2008

Peru - Pirana fishing in the Amazon Jungle!


Our fishing boat!

We were off again .. but this time off to the Ox-Bow lake to see Black Caiman, birds and fish for Piranas. Yes just your normal day out.

So who in their right minds fish for Piranas? 'Loco' was coming with us so should be an interesting trip! (The crazy man who picks up snakes!)


It was a nice late afternoon, the lake was very pleasant. Daniel steered us in the direction of seeing Caiman and a good place to fish.

For some reason I had decided to wear my hair in bunches. Not a big thing you may say. But have not worn bunches probably since I was at School, but felt it was good in the heat! My sister Julia wears bunches and looks very good!

So back to fishing!

The sun went down and it was dark!

They were very basic rods with a bit of beef on the end.

I caught a Pirana!

Silly grin on my face and a Pirana

I caught it and it jumped onto the boat! Daniel picked it up and we took a photo. It had bitten through the leaf above - you may just see the teeth marks in the leaf below the fin. We throw it back! That being the Royal we, Daniel throw it back!

Dairmaid fishing

A Black Caiman

We saw a few Caiman, but I think more saw us!. Luckily no one fell in the water! We then headed back to shore in the pitch black! Then went on a 30mins night walk again. This time we walked pretty fast in order to get back for supper! I was walking in the middle, not last. But we still were not home, in our small motorboat in the pitch black we headed back up the river and arrived home safely.

They had very nice Cuba Libre´s in the bar!

I felt a bit less scared sleeping that night, but only a bit.

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