Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peru - Lares trek! - Day 3

Our guides, horsemen and cook

In the morning we were woken at 5.45am for breakfast. It was very cold and I think my eyeliner had frozen in the night! We said goodbye and thank you to our cook and horsemen and then headed off.

Elvin at breakfast mentioned that in the night he had seen a black shadowy thing moving near to our tents. Hmm glad he told us this morning and not last night! He said it was either a Puma or a black spirit. Now which one would you prefer it to have been?

We had another downhill trek! and it was cold, about 3-4 degrees. My Peru hat and gloves that I had bought from the lady in the first homestay kept my ears and hands warm. The water along part of our path had frozen! And we saw Puma footprints about 20meters from where we camped.

Crossing the steam

It warmed up!

As we decended it did warm up and like an onion we peeled off our layers! We saw peeling trees called Polilapis Queuna that had bark that peels off throughout the year.

We made it to the end of our trek!

It was a 3.20hrs decent to Yanahuara and were pleased that we did not need to do the trek on a horse. It was cold but luckily it had not rained and although a very tough 3 days it had been very rewarding and a beautiful trek! Some of the way we went were old Inca trails but it was not the official famous Inca trail.

In our warm bus we then headed for the station to get the train to Aguas Colientes where we were staying the night in a hotel and looking forward to a well earned drink and hot shower!

So we had just trekked 26k (about 16miles) which does not really sound that much but it was at high altitude and cold! and nearly died in the bus journey as the stupid driver drove far too fast and took too many risks to get us to the train station on time. Hmmm but we arrived in one piece ... shaken and stired!

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