Friday, August 15, 2008

Peru - Dinner cooked underground at Wasipunku


Opening the underground oven

Was great food!

Our tour guide recommended a great restaurant a bit out of town. When we arrived I thourght that the owners had just buried a dog. As there was a mound of earth that they were standing by, had spades in their hands and there was a cross on the mound with pink flowers on it. But alas was dinner! No dog had died! there was a jumping well looking dog out the back. Phew!

This way of cooking is called Pachamanca. It is a traditional Peruvian dish based on the baking, with the aid of hot stones of lamb, mutton, pork, chicken or guinea pig, marinated in spices and vegetables. Tasted delicious! We had lamb and chicken, no guinea pig.

Before the food was taken out of the earth oven, we had a 'Mother Earth' blessing. Colette and Dairmaid were the godmother and godfather and gave an offering of beer in the shape of a cross, or was it wine?

Did you know?
They speak Quechua in Nazca and in Quechua "pacha" and "manca", means "earthen pot" (cooking vessel). Preparation begins with the heating of stones over a fire, and the meat is then placed on top. The fire is covered with grass and earth, and the resulting oven is opened up after around an hour and a half. Usually, a large quantity of meat is cooked, perhaps a whole sheep, to serve several people.


After a great meal we headed off to the coach station for a 11hour overnight comfortable bus journey to Arequipa.

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