Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peru - Chilling in Aguas Colientes


Walking along the train track

Aguas Colientes is the town you stay at to get the coach up to Machu Picchu. It´s a nice little town. The shower was nice and hot and we celebrated with a Cuba Libre as was gunna have champagne when I arrived back in Cusco!

The train track litterally runs through the town. Hotels, resturants and shops on either side of the track.

Kirsty taking a pic whilst sitting outside having a beer in a trackside resturant

We had a nice big dinner and had a reasonable early night as we had to get up the next day at 3.45am to get breakfast at 4.30am and the first bus at 5am up to Machu Picchu. I did some emailing in a shop the otherside of the track and was a bit surprized to see a train on the track. It did not seem to be going anywhere so I crossed a bit further up and hoped I would not be run down.

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