Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Peru - Celebrating in Cusco!

Celebrating in Cusco with a nice pudding!

Celebrating in Cusco!

Celebrating in Cusco!

The train and bus journey from Machu Picchu back to Cusco was amazing but I was still on cloud nine and was really looking forward to a glass of Champagne after a hot shower to celebrate completing the 3 day Lares trek and climbing Waynapicchu.
Rowan and Jani got engaged at the top of Machu Picchu so we were triple celebrating!

We went to a funky resturant the fallen angel and had great food! They did not have champagne so we had very sweet cocktails instead! And great chocolate strawberry desert for pudding!


We had a free day to shop in Cusco, chill, see a few sites and relax. The others tried Guinea Pig but I really could not eat a Guinea Pig as I used to have one as a pet. Also my neice Amethyst would not approve as she has a pet rabbit. They are a delicacy in Peru but I stuck to my steak!

I had my cut and hair coloured in Cusco. After a good few weeks being on holiday it needed a cut and the white bits coloured. Not as many white bits as I thourght. Cecilia our guide is from Cusco so we went to her hairdressers. Was not sure whether to go red, a darker brown or copper. Ended up chosing a redish colour than I usually have and it turned out all okay which was a bit of a relief! :-)

Anyone for Guinea Pig?

Next stop an early start to the jungle.

When you travel on long bus journeys there is time to think about things. I was going to try and practice some Spanish as my Spanish is still very basic. But looked more at the views, slept and chatted.

So I am on this great trip with lovely people. But at the end of the day I am still alone. I have not found that special man that I want to marry and settle down with and have children. I hope I do this year as am getting on a bit. If you know anyone that you think would be good for me, then I am open for dates when I get back sometime in November. :-) x

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