Monday, August 25, 2008

Peru - Lares trek! - Day 2 (Week 15)

Our guides Ernesto and Elvin

We were woken by the cook at 8am with a hot cocoa tea. It was still cold out but much brighter than yesterday. We packed up our bits and had a good breakfast before starting the trek.

Off we go again

Farmers ploughing in the distance

In the distance we saw some men jumping up and down! It looked like, they were dancing. (Maybe dancing for rain!) When we looked closer we saw they were ploughing the land. The villagers help each other plough the land. We saw Andean Caracaras (Falcons), Llamas, Andean Geese, Dogs, Chickens, Horses and Pigs on the way.

The sky was blue!

Inca trail steps

The horsemen and cook overtook us

Two young girls tried to sell us stones

They seemed to have appeared from nowhere. We gave them our bananas which they thourght was funny. It is best not to give the children in the communities sweets as they don´t have dental care so end up with bad teeth.

The path was long


We trekked past Huacahasi point which was 4,900m above sea level. (Pretty neat!)

Our camp was insight!

We had made it to the top of one mountain and were now heading to our camp by the lake for lunch! It was a great view. We looked back and had walked along way! The lake is called Laguna Aruraycocha and is at 4,750m above sea level, which is the highest lake in Peru.

The lake

KIRSTY - Can you email the pic of all of us by the lake? Kirsty took a great pic using her timer on her camera. (I don´t think I have a timer on my camera)

There was a bull by the lake that I had to walk past. Was I scared?

Do you come here often

I am looking forward to a well earned lunch

After lunch it was a downhill trek to camp! We had treked up 10k of mountains over 6 hours. Thinking about it, it was good that it was just us and not doing the trek with 8 fit guys as we went at our own pace. Enjoyed the views. Had a guide each to talk to and could took lots of photos.

We are all smiling

Me in our tent!

We had again great food. Our camp really was in the middle of nowhere. It had taken us 1.5hrs to decend 2k. The cloud cover had gone and the stars were amazing! Has to be the most stars I have ever seen! Saw the Milkyway, Southern Cross and Scorpio! I took my star chart and tried to identify more constallations, but it was cold so went early to sleep.

Actually cold is an understatement. It was -9 degrees. I don't think I have been that cold before, certainly not camping on it. In the night I was a bit scared to go to the toilet tent as it was pitched further away from our tent. And it was dark. But at 12.10am I ventured out and made it back safely.

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