Friday, August 29, 2008

Peru - Night walk through the Amazon Jungle!

Putting the paint on to ward of evil spirits

So who´s scared of spiders, snakes and walking through the Jungle st night?


Hmmm ... do I feel less scared with my paint on?

We had only walked a few steps and our guide Daniel started hacking some brown seeds called Achiote from a tree. He opened them up and started applying the orange / brown juice to our faces. It is suppose to ward off the evil spirits in the Jungle. I asked for some paint on my arms aswell.

Right! I am not going last on this trek ... in Scobby Doo it is always the one who is last that gets kidnapped ... attacked by monsters etc.

So off we trek ... we saw ...

Spiders - yellow feet spider

This was just on a log as we walked past it ... this is a Tarantula ... body was about 2 fingers wide.

Trees that walk

Did you know?
'The Walking Tree' of the Amazon Jungle has the unusual ability to
'walk' on aerial roots, which serve as 'legs.' Inspired by a need for
more light, the tree lets roots on one side die off and grows new ones
in the direction it wants to go. In this manner, the Walking Tree
moves up to seven feet a year."

Heard killer black bees humming in their nest (black hornet shaped nest on the left)

Well Rowan did ... apparently they only attack during the day so we were safe.

Stick insects

It is the insect that looks like a stick on the leaf ... good?

Oh and did I mention spiders ... these are not your normal British spiders these were Tarantulas ...

Here is a video ....

Not for the screamish!

You should be very proud that your Aunty Karen survived a night walk in the Jungle seeing all kinds of creepy crawlies like Tarantulas!

Back safely to the Lodge for a rest in the hammock and a nice big dinner!

Oh and here is a pic of where we had our dinner ... the other guide Giancarlo did not mind finding snakes for us. This is a small Boa Constrictor. I nick named him 'loco' which means crazy in Spanish! There were bats and a really big Tarantulas up in the eves of the roof!

Giancarlo holding a snake

Hmmm ... so it takes me all of 3mins to walk along the wooden path to my room from the eating area / bar so how lomg would it take a snake ... or a Tarantulas ... or a bat to get to my room!

To say I was a tad scared of sleeping by myself in my white cotton sheeted net over me head was a true understatement!

It really is times like this that I wish I had a man to tell me that all will be okay and if a Tarantula decided to creep in my bed he would be there to save me or to at least run away down the corridor with me and alert someone to help! :-(

Hmmm ... wonder what is in store tomorrow? (That´s if I survive the night!)

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