Saturday, August 16, 2008

Peru - Chilling in Arequipa

The main square

We have just arrived in Arequipa a Spanish colonial city after an overnight bus journey. I managed to sleep some of the way. It is the second largest city in Peru, Cusco being the largest. Arequipa lies in the Andes mountains, at an altitude of 2,380 meters above sea level, overseen by the snow-capped volcano El Misti. In the next few days we will be gradually getting higher in order to acclimatise to the altitude for our Inca treks to Machu Picchu.

It is an attractive city, built out of pale volcanic rock and stands at the foot of El Misti Volcano. I don´t know why but I always want to put an e at the end of volcano ... volcanoe ... hmmm looks wrong.

Lots of flags

I like flags! :-)


The modern city was founded on 15 August 1540 and we just so happened to arrive on 15 August 2008 so they were celebrating with a long parade down the main street. We found a bar and watched from above. Rowan managed to get asked to dance. There was even a float with Mr.Peru on it, he was not my type. Then we had a nice meal in the square and a reasonably early night and a good sleep.

Rowan dancing


The main square at night

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