Friday, August 29, 2008

Peru - The Amazon Jungle! Tambopata National Park

The amazon!

In our boat!

The climates within Peru are so diverse! Have been to the coast the mountains and we are now on our way to the jungle! It is going to be hot and humid! And I will be using the 'LifeSystems Expedition 50 mossy spray' for the first time! It is strong stuff! Has 50% DEET (diethyl-meta-toluamide) which should stop the mosquitos biting me. My blood is sweet so I normally get biten. It is that strong that it melted my star guide plastic cover and I have to keep it in 3 bags. The paint on the metal canister has all disolved and you don´t want to use it for along period of time!

We caught an early flight from Cusco to Puerto Maldonado a large town (picked up supplies ... water ... batteries ... torches ... chocolate), then jumped on a bus and a boat to our Jungle Lodge in the Tambopata National Park in the Madre de Dios area near the border with Brazil.

Stopping in the market for Brazil Nut sweets

Did you know?
Brazil nuts grow in a round brown shell similar size to a coconut! I never knew that! We bought some Brazil Nuts sweets which were very tasty!

Treking to our lodge ...

We jumped off the boat and walked through dense jungle to our lodge. The trees were big!

The chilling area ...

The corridor ...

Interesting skulls...

The lodge is great! Humid and basic! I mentioned before that there were 3 single girls on the trek, Kirsty, Sophie and myself. Kirsty and Sophie had meet on the day before the Peru trek started and bonded so they paired up in the twin rooms for most of the trip leaving me a room to myself!

The eco-friendly lodge is wooden, has no electric lights, and we have to use candles, kerosene lamps and torches to see by!

My bedroom ...

Hmmm ... now I checked out my room ... well it is a group of rooms sharing the same roof and only have curtains as doors. So noise carries, and really you are not exactly alone. I was next to Jani and Rowan so if I needed any help could call through or over the wall. The bathroom was dark, had a nice shower but a bat did fly out as I opened the door! I really don´t like bats but lets hope it has gone for the evening.

I looked up and saw a firefly, was really magical as it flew above me! I had seen loads in Thailand a few years ago and they are great! Then at chest level a black, rather large bug thing started flying towards me. It was not nice! it had 2 bright red or maybe green bright eyes and looked horrible. So I ran out to check out the rest of the lodge.

On mentioning I had a bat in my bathroom to Rowan he said he had three so I did not feel that bad until he smiled and said he was only joking. We both had a repoire of very silly jokes and sometimes we would fool each other into believeing the silly thing we had said ... well for at least a few minutes.

After chilling for a while and having a swing in the hammocks we were off on a night walk through the jungle ... :-)

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