Sunday, August 17, 2008

Peru - Amazing journey from Arequipa to Chivay in the Coca Valley

El Misti Volcano

We are now on a 5 hour bus drive to Chivay. It is a bright sunny day again and we have stocked up on munchies and water. There are lots of things to see on the way, and the scenery is awesome with the volcano in the background.


Drinking Coca tea

We stopped to drink some coca tea, which is suppose to help stop altitude sickness. I don't like tea and did not really like coca tea so added lots of sugar. Have now reached 4,910m above sea level, which is pretty high. We are all feeling the pressure of being so high. I am getting a bit of a headache, which is normal but not feeling too bad. I did buy some altitude sickness tablets in Lima, but somehow managed to leave them in the last hotel. Hmmm. Saw a Red Backed Eagle on the roof of the tea room.

Red Backed Eagle


Sophie and Dairmaid

Ice in Peru

Can you believe the diversity of the land. We have just stopped to see ice! and it is really sunny!

Mother earth sculptures

We stopped to make some stone sculptures.

Llama (I think)

PETER / SOPHIE - Is this correct?

Vizcacha sitting on a rock

The Vizcacha is a rodent. It looks a little like a cross between a rabbit and squirrel and is part of the chinchilla family.

Amazing views

Heading down to Chivay

We then saw some amazing views on the way and entered the Colca Valley National Park.

We stayed in the town of Chivay where they were also having celebrations.

Street decorations

Toys on the street decorations

Close up

They were beautifully made and had cuddly toys hanging from them, loads of flags and silver coloured trays.

We then did a short trek to the La Calera Hot Springs. Which were great! They are on the side of the hill and outside.

La Calera Hot SpringsIMG_8280

Drinking Pisco Sours in La Calera Hot Springs

Rowan was pretty happy to share the pool with the girls on the trip!

Rowan dancing again

Dinner was in a touristy resturant with traditional dancing, where Rowan and Kirsty was pulled up to dance.

Then down the local Irish pub for a well earned Cuba Libre. :-) It´s a hard life.

An Irish pub in the middle of Peru

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