Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peru - Back to Lima for our last night of the tour!


We took an early morning flight back to Lima. We were all sad that our adventures were nearly over. From the lodge we had to take the boat back up the river, then a private bus along a dirt track to the Airport in Puerto Maldonado. It was two short flights to Lima via Cusco! (I still don't like flying)

Our last drink in Lima!

We all went out in Lima for our last meal, was great and had a good few drinks to wash it all down. It was sad to say our farewells. Everyone was lovely in the group and our tour guide Cecila was brilliant!

Sophie had a very early Sunday morning flight home to Guildford. Colette and Dairmaid had an early Sunday morning flight to Ireland.

CECILIA - Thanks again for making the Peru Encompassed tour so good! Have a good rest and good luck with your next tour! You may even get to do the Lares Trek this time!

It was a great trip organised through Intrepid. I would recommend the trip, for more details of this trip and similar ones go to the Intrepid website.


I did not set my alarm! Was great! After a nice longer than normal sleep we meet Rowan and Jani for breakfast then said our goodbyes. Rowan and Jani were off to celebrate their engagement in a 5 start hotel in Mexico then were then heading off on another Intrepid tour around Mexico, Guatemala and Belize before heading home to Oz.

I then meet up with Peter for lunch.

Peter for lunch

Cebiche mixto

I had Cebiche mixto again, which is a typical Peruvian dish. It is raw fish marinated in lime juice, served with onions, chillies, corn and sweet potato. Was very tasty! Then headed to the Huaca Pucllana pyramid to check it out as Peter had to do some work.

Huaca Pucllana

Huaca Pucllana pyramid

Well I was expecting something similar to the pyramids in Egypt, but was different!

Did you know?
Indigenous people started building Huaca Pucllana in 400 A.D. — nine centuries before the Incas. They gathered, traded, made community decisions, worshiped and sacrificed women and children at Huaca Pucllana for 300 years. They then abandoned the site when the Wari empire conquered the area in 700 A.D. Parts are still being excavated today.

I think I was a bit cultured out so Kirsty and I headed for a well earned glass of wine or even a glass of Champagne! :-)


We found a swanky bar and asked for Champagne! We celebrated finishing the Lares Trek and me climbing up and safely down Waynapicchu mountain! Tasted good!

A question that I asked on our tour but none of us knew ... "When does a hill become a mountain?" no it is not a joke, do you know? As I saw lots of hills and mountains but not sure at what height a hill stops being a hill and is classified as a mountain. Ohh or am I am being a bit sad? and should I just get on with being on holiday? Is it about 3000m?

Kirsty went off to get her flight home to the UK. She was stopping in Miami to shop!

KIRSTY - Was great meeting you and am very pleased we both finished the Lares Trek, you were great company! Don´t work too hard back in the UK and save up to do some more travelling! Look forward to catching up for more drinks when I get home in November / December!


All my friends on the tour had gone home or onto other countries so I chilled in Lima for a couple odays before my flight to Argentina.

Peter working at his desk

Peter was great! he lives and works in Lima, has for the last 10 years! He works on the oil rigs, manages a rock band, manages events and is now setting up a company to export coffee to the UK. He was my next door neighbour when I used to live in Eltham when I was at Secondary School.


Peter was meeting some friends from the Airport so we shared a cab. The Peruivans in Lima are really mad drivers! mader than the Italians!. At crossroads it is the biggest and more aggressive car that gets across first! You can imagine that there are a lot of accidents! It was a pretty hairy 40mins drive to the airport! But made it in one piece ... now for check-in.

I arrived 2hrs before my flight and was surprized that there were not more people in the queue. Then was told on check-in that the flight was delayed by 1.5hours ... hmm that is why there were not many people in the queue ... a right pain. Was actually 2hours delayed ... but still ... I am on holiday and will get there eventually. I managed to phone the hostel in Buenos Aires to say my flight was delayed and to tell the taxi that I will be later than planned.

I took flight AR1365 leaving at 2.30am (instead of 12.30am) from Lima in Peru to the capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires, arrived about 9am. Argentina is two hours ahead of Peru which is 4 hour behind the UK.

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