Wednesday, June 11, 2008

USA - New York - Rollerblading and views from the ´Rock'


Hmmm ... today is my last exploring day and night in New York before flying to Mexico tomorrow. It is still hot but cooler after the storm. I still can't believe a trashcan did not hit us or the bus shelter did not collaspe on us. A crane had recently collapsed in NY and killed a construction worker. Dan´s train to New Jersey was cancelled due to the storm so he had to get a train and a cab home, but the good thing was that he was home safe.

Central Park hairpin bend on rollerblades

I am now wondering if New York was a good idea and maybe a bit dangerous. Last time I was here at the end of my travels in 2000 I did the touristy thing and rollerbladed around Central Park. Nearly died then, as managed to miss the turning for the intermedite section and headed straight down a very steep hairpin bend on the advanced section. Was a 'Frank Spencer´ moment - That's if you remember the one where he was on rollerskates and ends up behind a bus? I am a good roller and ice skater so thourght rollerblading would be easy, but had not really mastered the art of stopping or anticipated a park with such steep hills. Anyway managed to lock my legs rigid and stay up for dear life and not collide with a tree. I lived to tell the tale. I walked the route today that I skated in Central Park just to see if it really was steep and yes I did have reasons for alarm ... it was flipping step! and the hairpin bend was definatly a hairpin bend!

Top of the Rock! looking towards Central Park

On route to Central Park I went to the top of the Rockafellow building to see the views across New York! and was awesome! Was a bit scared as was very high and by myself but worth it! Here are some more views and videos...

Top of the Rock! looking downtown

Top of the Rock! video looking towards Central Park

Top of the Rock! video looking downtown

We the finished the day with a lovely Cuban meal... the best American cheesecake at Venieros then cocktails at a funky bar called Rue B bar. Back to pack then an early flight to Mexico. Wonder if all my stuff will fit back in my racksack?

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