Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mexico - Isla Mejures


Mexico is great! I am on an island called Isla Mejures, just south of Cancun. I have checked into a nice hotel 1 min walk to the sea with an American lady I met on the ferry crossing to the island. Michelle is an intern doc staying a few days on Isla Mejures before she meets up with her friends in Playa del Carman. We did the thing you are not suppose to do ... we took advise from the man that offered to bike our backpacks to our hotel as to where to stay. I had booked in advance a hostel for a couple of nights but to be honest felt a bit old to stay in a hostel. So he took us to a nice hotel right next to north beach. Was basic, was cheap and this was the view...

North beach view from hotel


The sea is so clear! We sunbathed and had dinner at a resturant right next to the sea.


We meet Dawn, another American lady in the beach and went out for an Argintinan meal in town. The main strip has nice shops, bars and resturants and a definatly not like Cancun. Dawn has been travelling around Mexico studying Spanish and working on her studies for college. Dawn is pronouced 'Don' which I always found strange saying as 'Don' is a boys name in England.

Dawn and Michelle

Me and Dawn

Our beach bar

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