Tuesday, June 3, 2008

USA - Provincetown whalewatching


We caught the 10am Whale watching boat and headed out to sea. Was amazing we saw 13 Humpedback whales - some were female whales with their calves. As they say in America "Pretty neat". (Well that was mine and Paul´s experience on our last travelling trip). They were amazing! The adults can be up to 40-55ft and the calves when born are 15ft. A mother and calf actually swam under the boat, which I was a bit nervous about as not sure how close they were to the bottom of the boat. I can swim but would rather not be capsized by a whale.

Damon looking for whales

Whales :-)

Managed to get a tail

Whale video - awesome!

Whales by Damon
Picture 244

Picture 240

Damon has a very larger camera so managed to get a closer shot than me. This is a calf playing in the water.(Copyright owned by Damon)

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