Friday, June 6, 2008

USA - Provincetown in general


Provincetown shore

We are staying in a nice guest house - The Oxford. Nice decor and not too flowery like some of the rooms we saw. I can´t sleep in a flowery Laura Ashley duvet! It was like staying at a friend´s house. The owners left out a bottle of wine in the evening for guests to have a wee drink and made fresh bread for breakfast! was great and very friendly!

Their garden and a few other gardens had the mauve ball shaped flowers called Allium that I love.

Oxford guest house garden

MARK B - Not sure if your flower has opened yet but it will eventually look like these! Amazing what nature has designed!

The town has lots of nice jewellery shops which I will be exploring if the rain does not stop. We hope to go on a bike ride across the dunes tomorrow.

Dancing on the beach

This is probably the closest we will get to dancing on the beach as we have not seen any beach party places yet.


I like this shop sign

American postbox

I like taking pictures of road signs, postboxes and traffic lights.

EVERYONE - Is that a bit weird?

The local bank

Opps had to take a photo of this. Cultural differences.

LOST/MISLAID - One keyring with a bottle opener and small chubb lock. I think I left it in the apartment as must have had it in NY to open my backpack with. It was dark and early when we left the apartment so maybe Sam has found it when they checked out?

SAM - I will email you James´s address if you find my keyring and lock, hope you can post it on. :-)

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