Wednesday, June 11, 2008

USA - New York - Manhattan Circle Line boat trip


Went on an amazing boat trip around Manhattan. It is called the cirle line. One of the guys we met at the Duran Duran concent (Dan) recommended it and had the day off so came with me. Was great, saw Manhatten during the day the on the way round and at dusk / night on the way back. BUT...

Manhatten skyline by boat in the day

Ferry going up hill

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty and Dan

Manhattan skyline by boat at night

... was actually the most scary moment of my life as a storm broke shortly after getting off the boat. We had had a few very hot sweaty days and were due for a storm to clear the air. The commentator on the boat said we were due for a storm but we did not really think anything of it ... just before we arrived to the shore the air went very still...

"we waited for a bus back into town under a temporary bus shelter ... then within seconds wind ripped down the street ... the corrugated iron sheets above us oscillated ... sand flew everywhere ... bits of metal flew off the shelter and thudded to the ground right next to us ... we ran for our lives down the street for cover ... Dan was great! ... we then stode with our backs against the wall hoping nothing would hit us ... shaken and very stirred ... we were near the river so must have been some kind of wind tunnel created by the storm ... luckily a cab stopped and we went to shelter in Penn train station ... and I managed to get a cab back from there ... Trains were delayed and some parts of NY and Jersey had power cuts due to the storm".

Thank goodness we were off the boat before the storm.

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