Monday, June 2, 2008

USA - Ferry to Provincetown


Today we (Damon and I) took the fast train from Penn train station in NY to Boston. Took about 3 hours and was a nice clean fast train. Good views in the way. Sam and Emmet and the boys headed north to Cape Cod to chill before heading to Washington for Emmet´s family party! We all had a great time partying in New York and were now heading out of town to chill out! (and probably party!)

SAM - Thanks again for sorting out the great appartment! and thanks all for giving me the comfortable bed. :-)

Ferry to Provincetown

As soon as we jumped off the train we jumped on ferry from Boston to Provincetown. It took about 1.5hours and was nice and sunny! :-) Provincetown (or PTOWN) is a historic fishing port, situated at the tip of Cape Cod. We are hoping to sunbathe and Damon wants to checkout the Gay scene.

Did you know?
Provincetown has a diverse and singular history. The Pilgrims first landed in Provincetown in 1620, and signed the Mayflower Compact, a declaration of self-determination and radical thought that characterizes the history and people of Provincetown, even today. Provincetown has been home to sailors, pirates, fisherman, painters, and authors for centuries.

It is a nice town. Our other aim here is to see some whales. I missed them when I went to New Zealand as the sea was too rough so hope to see some here.

Provincetown shore

Nice Provincetown sailing ships

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