Sunday, June 1, 2008

USA - New York - MoMA, Gay Pride and Brooklyn Bridge


Picture 149

Picture 150

We (Damon and I) went to The Museum of Modern Art. Was great! Could'nt believe how much amazing art was in there. Last time I went to NY I went to the Metropolitan Museum and thourght that was the only Art America had...I was so wrong!! They even let us take photos.

Andy Warhol. Campbell's Soup Cans. 1962


Gay Pride

Damon and I went to see the New York Gay Pride but managed to get a bit lost and ended in the middle of a nice residential area then managed to find it and went to the party celebrations. Saw a few singers and dancers then headed back for another lovely Mexican meal with Sam and Emmet near Wall Street.

We then did a midnight walk across Brooklyn Bridge. Took a cab across and walked back! Was amazing. Photos I took are back in the UK as Emmet kindly took them home on his computer!

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