Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mexico - Tulum



Today I saw my first Mayan ruin with Michelle. Tulum is great! The ruins are located on 39-foot (12-m)tall cliffs, along the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula on the Caribbean Sea, south of Playa Del Carman. It is one of the best-preserved coastal Maya sites, and you can swim there as well. An inscription dated A.D. 564 has been found at the site, but most of the structures now visible were built in the Post-Classic Era, between about 1200 and 1450.

Tulum as drawn by Frederick Catherwood in 1844 - English artist and architect

Frederick Catherwood would have seen the image above when it was first discovered. Am sure he was the real Indian Jones. Treking through jungles to find new ruins.

There were large iguanas there! but harmless. (I think)

After our trip it was back to the hotel for drinks.

The Grand Mayan - Mayan Palace

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mexico - Playa Del Carman - Chilling in a hammock


MARK B - Well here is the hammock I was hoping to find. Was dark but was in a tree right next to the sea! Pretty perfect! Catch up with you in Central America if you are still going treking.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mexico - Isla Mejures - Chilling in the spa, sunsetting and partying...


Chilling in the spa

Dawn chilling in the spa

We found out about a really nice spa by the sea called Zamo that is free to get in and you just buy drinks and food there. Was great and very relaxing.


There were large birds fishing by the water called Cormorans and Brown Pelicans.

After relaxing we headed for a drink at a nice bar to watch the sunset at the Almor Lounge. Then headed for dinner at another nice place called Casa O's. Dawn really loved the Almor Lounge and would like to get married there. (no not to me, to her man)

Wishing you were here! :-)

The sunset

Then back into town to party at a funky bar. To be honest Isla Mejures is not a party Island so the bars close at about 12.30am. If you want to party you go to Cancun. But we still had a few cocktails and my favourite drink Cuba Libra. Ohh and I like Champagne aswell. :-)

Cuba Libras...

These were nice American boys that we met.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mexico - Isla Mejures - Snorkling


I meet up with Milly and her friends to go snorkling. They were all very nice.

Snorking buddies

Was amazing! The best snorkling I have ever done! Better than Australia! So many fish! and the water was so clear!


Check out the video!

Loads of fish swimming

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mexico - Isla Mejures


Mexico is great! I am on an island called Isla Mejures, just south of Cancun. I have checked into a nice hotel 1 min walk to the sea with an American lady I met on the ferry crossing to the island. Michelle is an intern doc staying a few days on Isla Mejures before she meets up with her friends in Playa del Carman. We did the thing you are not suppose to do ... we took advise from the man that offered to bike our backpacks to our hotel as to where to stay. I had booked in advance a hostel for a couple of nights but to be honest felt a bit old to stay in a hostel. So he took us to a nice hotel right next to north beach. Was basic, was cheap and this was the view...

North beach view from hotel


The sea is so clear! We sunbathed and had dinner at a resturant right next to the sea.


We meet Dawn, another American lady in the beach and went out for an Argintinan meal in town. The main strip has nice shops, bars and resturants and a definatly not like Cancun. Dawn has been travelling around Mexico studying Spanish and working on her studies for college. Dawn is pronouced 'Don' which I always found strange saying as 'Don' is a boys name in England.

Dawn and Michelle

Me and Dawn

Our beach bar

Flight CO1730 - Newark New York to Cancun in Mexico

It´s early. I am getting the 9.10am American flight no: CO 1730 from Newark New York to Cancun in Mexico. I arrive with plenty of time.

PHILIPPA - You will be pleased I have not missed a flight since missing a flight to Italy last November. Luckily I could get another flight to Milan and meet Philippa at the airport for our hols with Lisa at Lake Como.

I am staring at the departure screen. I have a rather heavy racksack on my back. Well this is it. I am off all by myself. My friends I arrived with in NY have gone back home or are in another state continuing their holiday. Hmmm was that bad storm the other day a warning that my trip could be dangerous. I scan the departures screen ... there is a flight straight to London Heathrow. Should I change my flight and go home? Well if I get into trouble I can get a flight straight home. Flip this really is it! I am not on a 3 week vacation. Actually I am not even on a vacation as I left my job. I am free ... better check in and go and get some breakfast and buy some bottles of water for the flight.

The flight was packed. I sat next to a very nice American lady - Milly, on hols with her husband and a group of friends. We aranged to meet up and go snorkling on Saturday. So that was good. Travelling by yourself is not too bad and most of you know I talk to strangers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

USA - New York - Rollerblading and views from the ´Rock'


Hmmm ... today is my last exploring day and night in New York before flying to Mexico tomorrow. It is still hot but cooler after the storm. I still can't believe a trashcan did not hit us or the bus shelter did not collaspe on us. A crane had recently collapsed in NY and killed a construction worker. Dan´s train to New Jersey was cancelled due to the storm so he had to get a train and a cab home, but the good thing was that he was home safe.

Central Park hairpin bend on rollerblades

I am now wondering if New York was a good idea and maybe a bit dangerous. Last time I was here at the end of my travels in 2000 I did the touristy thing and rollerbladed around Central Park. Nearly died then, as managed to miss the turning for the intermedite section and headed straight down a very steep hairpin bend on the advanced section. Was a 'Frank Spencer´ moment - That's if you remember the one where he was on rollerskates and ends up behind a bus? I am a good roller and ice skater so thourght rollerblading would be easy, but had not really mastered the art of stopping or anticipated a park with such steep hills. Anyway managed to lock my legs rigid and stay up for dear life and not collide with a tree. I lived to tell the tale. I walked the route today that I skated in Central Park just to see if it really was steep and yes I did have reasons for alarm ... it was flipping step! and the hairpin bend was definatly a hairpin bend!

Top of the Rock! looking towards Central Park

On route to Central Park I went to the top of the Rockafellow building to see the views across New York! and was awesome! Was a bit scared as was very high and by myself but worth it! Here are some more views and videos...

Top of the Rock! looking downtown

Top of the Rock! video looking towards Central Park

Top of the Rock! video looking downtown

We the finished the day with a lovely Cuban meal... the best American cheesecake at Venieros then cocktails at a funky bar called Rue B bar. Back to pack then an early flight to Mexico. Wonder if all my stuff will fit back in my racksack?

USA - New York - Manhattan Circle Line boat trip


Went on an amazing boat trip around Manhattan. It is called the cirle line. One of the guys we met at the Duran Duran concent (Dan) recommended it and had the day off so came with me. Was great, saw Manhatten during the day the on the way round and at dusk / night on the way back. BUT...

Manhatten skyline by boat in the day

Ferry going up hill

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty and Dan

Manhattan skyline by boat at night

... was actually the most scary moment of my life as a storm broke shortly after getting off the boat. We had had a few very hot sweaty days and were due for a storm to clear the air. The commentator on the boat said we were due for a storm but we did not really think anything of it ... just before we arrived to the shore the air went very still...

"we waited for a bus back into town under a temporary bus shelter ... then within seconds wind ripped down the street ... the corrugated iron sheets above us oscillated ... sand flew everywhere ... bits of metal flew off the shelter and thudded to the ground right next to us ... we ran for our lives down the street for cover ... Dan was great! ... we then stode with our backs against the wall hoping nothing would hit us ... shaken and very stirred ... we were near the river so must have been some kind of wind tunnel created by the storm ... luckily a cab stopped and we went to shelter in Penn train station ... and I managed to get a cab back from there ... Trains were delayed and some parts of NY and Jersey had power cuts due to the storm".

Thank goodness we were off the boat before the storm.

Monday, June 9, 2008

USA - New York - Chocolate shops and Swatch watches


Max Brenner Chocolate Shop

Max Brenner Chocolate Crepe

Am now back in New York staying with James and Luvena in their fab pad in Eastside. Very funky with lovely restaurants and bars. James and Luvena had to work while I was with them so headed off by myself shopping for a watch to go travelling with. On the way I stopped into the most amazing chocolate shop...Max Brenner. Had a crepe...with chocolate sauce, ice cream and marsh mellows inside with gummy bears in a dish and more chocolate sauce on the side. Actually was a bit sickly but had to eat it all. Was going to have a chocolate drink but went for a healthy mango smoothie instead! :-) They had chocolate pizzas and really nicely packaged boxes of chocolates.

Just walking into town to buy a watch I saw the Empire State Building.

Empire State Building

Times Square
Picture 142

Blue Air Swatch watch

Now I had to get a watch for travelling. Preferably one with an alarm as have not bought an alarm clock with me. I love Swatch watches so headed for the one in Times Square. They did not have the one I wanted so I bought a really nice blue one. Part of the skin.beat range called Blue Air and has the option to know the Internet time.

In the evening we headed into town for some great Pizza in the oldest Pizza place in NY. Then went for a drink in a secret bar called Village Vokocho. Only max of 4 people are allowed in as a group and you have to wait to be seated. The entrance is through a plain door in a Japanese Restaurant so you have to know it is there to find it. You have to phone to book a table and is a play on the Prohibition days. had a very nice cocktail there! Check out Please Don´t Tell site.

Friday, June 6, 2008

USA - Boston



We caught the ferry back to Boston, checked out the town, saw a Baseball game in a nice Irish Pub - the Beantown pub and then went shopping then out to a funky place in town for dinner!


Freedom Walk

The touristy thing to do in Boston is to do the Freedom Walk of the town to see the sights. Was good... managed to do some shopping in Abercrombie and Fitch on the way as it was very hot and needed air conditioning shopping therapy to cool us down. There was a shop assistant as you walk through the door, probably all of 22 with no top on. Was very distracting as he looked like this picture.

Did you know the The Freedom Trail is:
a 2.5 mile red-brick walking trail that leads you to 16 nationally significant historic sites, every one an authentic American treasure. Preserved and dedicated by the citizens of Boston in 1958. The Freedom Trail today is a unique collection of museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, parks, a ship, and historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution and beyond.

Sign posts

Traffic Lights

In Boston they have similar traffic lights to New York, a white filled in dotted man to go and a red dotted man to stop, but some of them had counters to tell you how long you had left to cross the road. Funny that.

Memorial Garden

Part of the tour went past a Memorial Garden for those killed in the Afganistan and Iraq wars. War - What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! I went on the Anti-Iraq War in London with my friend Liz but did not manage to stop Britain going to war.

Memorial Garden - close up

We finished the tour at the Navy shipyards. Then headed out to party before going back the next day to New York.

Boston Navy shipyard

DAMON - You are a star taking my rather thick Abercrombie and Fitch sweatshirt and jogging pants... opps I am sounding American - I mean tracksuit bottoms home. (plus all the other bits I bought in NY)

USA - Provincetown in general


Provincetown shore

We are staying in a nice guest house - The Oxford. Nice decor and not too flowery like some of the rooms we saw. I can´t sleep in a flowery Laura Ashley duvet! It was like staying at a friend´s house. The owners left out a bottle of wine in the evening for guests to have a wee drink and made fresh bread for breakfast! was great and very friendly!

Their garden and a few other gardens had the mauve ball shaped flowers called Allium that I love.

Oxford guest house garden

MARK B - Not sure if your flower has opened yet but it will eventually look like these! Amazing what nature has designed!

The town has lots of nice jewellery shops which I will be exploring if the rain does not stop. We hope to go on a bike ride across the dunes tomorrow.

Dancing on the beach

This is probably the closest we will get to dancing on the beach as we have not seen any beach party places yet.


I like this shop sign

American postbox

I like taking pictures of road signs, postboxes and traffic lights.

EVERYONE - Is that a bit weird?

The local bank

Opps had to take a photo of this. Cultural differences.

LOST/MISLAID - One keyring with a bottle opener and small chubb lock. I think I left it in the apartment as must have had it in NY to open my backpack with. It was dark and early when we left the apartment so maybe Sam has found it when they checked out?

SAM - I will email you James´s address if you find my keyring and lock, hope you can post it on. :-)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

USA - Arty shots by the sea in Provincetown...


It was a bit overcast and therefore not hot enough even for a Brit to sunbathe so we explored the town and found an old pier to take some arty pics off.

Damon taking arty pics

Now you see me

Now you don´t

I like this one

Hope the weather gets better tomorrow.

As we were walking around the streets of Provincetown we went along one of the streets but were asked to go back as someone had died in the house a few houses along. Feeling still a bit nervous from our experience in NY we walked back along the street and hoped that we won't see anymore dead bodies.