Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Brazil - Rio De Janeiro - Hang gliding

Well a few of us over a beer thourght it would be a good idea to do a Hang glide over the beaches and mountains of Rio, just along from our Ipanema Beach.

So we signed up... I woke up at 7.45am to check the weather conditions and they were good. We were being picked up at 11am. So back to sleep, shower, get some more money and then we were off.

You want me to run off that wooden slope?

Okay, lets hope I get down all okay

Was amazing! We landed on the beach! I flew like a bird! :-)x


Anonymous said...

now that is cool - very good

I'd stay out there if I were you its all going wrong over in the UK!

best wishes

karen sainsbury said...

Was very scary! Half way down thourght this is great but what if we crash?

Look forwrad to seeing you when I get back!
