Saturday, November 8, 2008

Argentina - Mendoza - Cycling around the vineyards

I meet up with friends Peter and Rebecka in Mendoza last night and we are now off to taste some Argentinian wine. (I meet Peter and Rebecka in the Garden House Hostel in Buenos Aires in September!) Peter and Rebecka have been travelling around Argentina and Chile while I was in Guatemala and Rio.

On our bikes

We are cycling around the vineyards. Is great weather! Have not been on a bike for years, but luckily had not forgotton how to ride. ;-)

Nice roads

We had to cycle on the other side of the road and was okay. Not much traffic, which was good. My hat did get blown off once by a rather large fast truck but was okay as went back to pick ut up.


Old smiling tractor


We had a nice rest and food in one of the vineyards then headed back to town to party!

Partying in Mendoza

Mendoza is a great city to chill in. Weather has been really sunny.

Relaxing on the park

There is a local really large park that I chilled in on the Sunday. Was great!

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