Tuesday, May 27, 2008

USA - New York - Exploring



This is the first day of my new adventure - To Infinity and Beyond!

Today I flew to New York for a 2.5 week holiday with my friends Sam, Emmet, Damon, Lara and Sam and Emmet´s two boys Joe and Thomas. ´

New York really is so good they named it twice!

It is Damon´s birthday so we celebrated on the flight with Champagne. I slept very well on the flight as I was still packing the morning of my flight! (No change there!)

They let us all in which was good. But all had to have a retina scan and a fingerprint taken - am not sure where they have stored my data.

Through two security checkpoints we arrive at our fab appartment near Wall Street and opposite The New York Stock Exchange. The appartment is grand. Check out the chandelier in the entrance and the gold waiting room! Bit over the top! It had a gym and pool!

We arrive on Memorial Day so loads of locals on their Bank Holiday. We headed down to the pier where there was a party atmosphere. Great food and views of Brooklyn Bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge

3 Commanding Officers

Lara convinced some sailors to have their photos taken with me. (I do like a man in uniform, and try to get photos with as many different types and in different countries whilst on my travels - purely for the cultural differences :-) ) Turned out they were actually all Commanding Officers of the 3 American War Ships in harbour for Memorial Day. As soon as we told them that Emmet is Irish, Ken Long (The middle one) presented Sam a medalion as a present for Joe...Apparently it is good luck to present it to an Irish family as the Ship - USS The Sulivans has Irish history and personell.

Present from a Commanding Officer


Central Park

The sun was shining and we headed for Central Park. Was lovely to just chill. Saw some wild Racoons which were really cute! (Thourght of you guys - The Orange team animating Racoons for the Orange client!) Also saw some terapins sunbathing aswell.

Racoons in Central Park

Loads of people in the park, having picnics, playing basketball, baseball, cycling, rollerblading and jogging. Saw the Strawberry Fields memorial dedicated to the memory of musician John Lennon.

We (Sam, Lara and I) all went for a pampering at BlissWorld where the Sex and the City girls go...had a pedicure and manicure...colour golden silvery taupe...more shopping then we walked back via Ground Zero. You can´t really take it all in, the size of Ground Zero is amence. So far the death tol is 2,998 (excluding the 19 hijackers) and over 6,291 people injured. Why?

By chance some close friends Harsha and Dave from the UK were partying in New York at the same time so we all meet up at the Crocodile Lounge with our old Creative Director - Lino and old friends James and Luvena who we also used to work with and who now live in New York!


Traffic lights

Now the roads did get some getting used to. Looking the other way to normal for oncoming traffic. The traffic lights differ to ours in that they have a little white dotted outlined man for go and a filled in red dotted hand for stop. ( do I sound a bit square?) The road layout are good and being a grid you can just say meet you at the corner of 8th Av were it meets 5th Street.

CHARLOTTE - Thanks for the NY map you gave me is proving to be very useful and fits in my pocket!

Antique Garage


The food in New York is great! so many different types of resturants. But the portions are huge! Too big for the average Brit! We did start to order one meal between two as we did not want to get fat, and salads. Emmet found a great resturant called Antique Garage in Lower Soho. Funnily enough it was in a garage and had loads of antigue things on the walls. Also a very ornate chandelier. The New Yorkers seem to like chandeliers as seen a few now.

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