Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Argentina - Last nite of partying!

It is my last night of a complete month of partying on Buenos Aires! I arrived on the 2nd of September, planned to stay a week then head north to Rio, Brazil for a week then fly home ... but I changed my plans ... I stayed a month had my Birthday with new friends in Buenos Aires and am now packing to fly back to the Hogar Miguel Magone in Guatemala to see friends and work in the Orphange for nearly 4 weeks. It is hard work but very rewarding!

Then I plan to chill in Rio for 3 days on the beach then fly home on the 31st October, just in time for Halloween, Fireworks and the build up to Christmas ...

... But may come back in December and trek around Chile for a month, will have to see!

Catch up soon and hope all is good with you! Karenx

(Face your fears and live your dreams)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Argentina - Doing the Tango in Buenos Aires!

Buenos Aires is great! fantastic nightlife! great people and loads to see ... a complete party city! stays open later than New York!

More details to follow ... :-)